Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Educational Technology

For me, it has been quite the experience as a prospective teacher to see a vast difference in education from the time I was in school until now. When I was younger I experienced rather large computers that no one would consider stealing because they were twice as big as them, floppy disks that were very floppy, chalkboards (no, not white boards) and read alouds with cassett tapes and very large headsets. In several of the classrooms that I have observed there has been white boards, ipods, smartboards, flat screens and CDs. I try to imagine what my education would consist of if I had to do it all over again. Would I be more technologically savvy? Or would I be in the same place I am today?

I like to consider myself technologically savvy. Dealing with technology on a day-to-day basis has really helped me become comfortable with electronics and our innovative culture. Through the readings I was able to pull out some things that I found rather interesting.

Operating systems are what establishes uniform in procedures. When reading about OSs, I learned that an educational operating system might consist of grammar and syntax system or even rules for a classroom and the disciplinary policy that is followed. Tying into this topic, operating systems are the first application that is automatically loaded once the computer is turned on. This resembles the rules and procedures because when a school year begins, teachers and administration introduce the rules and procedures to the students. Rules and procedures should be introduced rather quickly in order to keep the system running smoothly which is exactly what the operating system does for a computer.

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